Friday, March 5, 2010


Some people say you should not be friends with those you compete with. To some degree, I believe that to be true. But only once the helmet is on and you're on the track racing each other for position. Then there are no friends. Just competition and you should want to beat every one of them.

Now I will get back to my previous statement. I started racing in Quarter Midgets, and it is a very family oriented sport. The type of place where everyone helps everyone and when kids aren't in their cars they're off riding bikes together or playing video games. I cannot think of a place where you learn better teamwork and sportsmanship, as well as make some life long friends.
I think that has carried over with me and helped shape the way I look at racing now. Even at the higher levels it is very much the same. Even drivers on opposing teams are good friends and get together away from the track. I know that my best friends are all race car drivers and I think a reason for this is its very hard to find people who understand the sport, and who can relate to it, especially when it is something that is so consuming. I love the friends that I have made through racing and if and when we compete against each other, we respect one another as drivers, but that doesn't affect our friendships off the track. I'd go into who those friends are and why they are so great but that would take far too long :) I'm just going to dedicate this blog to Liam Kenney, Savannah Rickli, Jonathan Goring and Ana Ohlandt (Even though she doesn't race she's a fan and a great friend!)

Ciao for now! Oh and here's a few pictures :)

Jordan Daskam, and good friend and I from Quarter Midgets this past Christmas.

Myself and fellow VW Jetta TDI Cup driver Andrew Tucker.

Goofing around at an autograph session.

With my good friends Josh and Ana Ohlandt! (Just had to put this one in here).

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